Very mild night
In message ,
xmetman writes
I thought when I looked at the temperature of 17.5°C here this morning
as I got up I thought that here in the SW we would be the warmest place
in the British Isles but no, most places even northern Scotland are in
the range 16-18°C, not surprising really when most of us are sat in a
broad warm sector. It's strange that Carole would say that we are sat
between two weather fronts on this mornings forecast rather than use
the phrase 'warm sector', she obviously thought that it was far too
technical a term for the general viewer to understand.
If she really said "we are sat" rather than "we are sitting" then I
suppose it's not that surprising, but just another sad reminder that for
some reason the more grammatical "we are sitting" seems to be falling
into disuse. I inwardly wince every time I hear someone on radio or TV
say "I was sat" or "I was stood", which means that I wince an awful lot.
Sorry for the rant, but it's a particular bugbear of mine.
John Hall
"Honest criticism is hard to take,
particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger." Franklin P Jones