Met Office loses BBC forecasting job
On Sunday, 23 August 2015 08:54:28 UTC+1, Scott W wrote:
BBC forecasts have been decreasing in quality for a while now - but that's nothing to do with Met Office, who provide their own very good presenters and forecasts on their own site every day - far superior to anything on BBC. I think Yahoo have a contract with them.
A Met Office professor after a RMetS meeting earlier this year told me that forecasts would become an ever decreasing part of MetO services. The MetO is a world organisation now and I'd imagine that the BBC contract is just a small part of their business.
I suppose in the grander scheme of things people will no longer be able to "blame the Met Office" when the BBC get it wrong!
If the source of the NWP data that they use in the forecast is not clearly labeled, I think that most viewers will assume its from the Met office as they do now. What makes a good TV forecast is down to:
(1) good presenters
(2) great graphics
(3) sufficent time to present the forecast in
(4) the best available NWP data
(5) hi-res satellite, weather radar, SFERIC, obsevational and climate data
The Met Office has all these even if the first two are not 100% and (2) and (3) are conrolled by the BBC.