On 29/08/2015 12:45, Simon S wrote:
On Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 11:34:04 AM UTC+1, jumper wrote:
I've just read in my local newspaper, about the damage caused to a local
removal firm trucks and the property therein, cause by illegal
immigrants. The liberals like us to think that the illegal immigrants
are nice people trying to escape poverty and war.
Yet they attack a removal firm trucks by throwing rocks and house bricks
at the windscreen, and have specialist equipment to get in to the back
of locked trucks.
I can see, in the not too distance future. The roads of Europe flowing
with much blood, with a civil war in Europe.
If the illegal immigrants treat truck drivers with such hate, think what
they do when they get into this country to our own country folk.
Now I would not normally respond to this kind of posting, However I am really interested in why you post these kinds of troll messages? What do you get out of it? Is it really just about getting a rise out of a few people who want to discuss the topic of weather of all things? Is it that you like getting a long list of replies? I really cannot understand it myself so I would be honestly interested in you reasons.
Open door immigration affects us all.