"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message
On Saturday, 29 August 2015 18:25:54 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:33:55 +0100
Vidcapper wrote:
uk.legal or uk.politics.misc would be a more appropriate place to
post this.
Sorry Joe, I see you *have* actually posted it to ukpm.
Don't apologise to the slimeball. Wherever else he posted the ****e, he
shouldn't have posted it here.
I think that is largely the problem, in practice. He probably posts
this rubbish to half a dozen sites and can't be bothered to remove the
inappropriate ones such as this.
Don't make excuses for him Tudor, he is a nasty troll through and through.
Top of my killfile in his many guises.
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)