Lat N 56° 06' 05"
Long W 4° 50' 15"
National Grid NS236935
82m ASL
Looking NW towards Helensburgh from Craigendoran Pier taken mid-morning
of the 13th.
(%)= percentage of thirteen year mean.
(+ or -)= difference from thirteen year mean.
(...)= since August 2002
Mean Max: 18.5 (-1.0)
Mean: 14.6 (-0.6)
Mean Min: 10.7 (-0.3)
Highest Max: 25.3 (-0.4), (13th)
Highest Min: 14.7 (-0.1), (23rd)
Lowest Max: 14.4 (-0.1), (5th)
Lowest Min: 7.6 (+1.2), (2nd)
No. of Days max =0: 0
No. of Days min =0: 0
Warmest Day Mean: 20.0 (+0.9) (25.3/14.7), (23rd)
Coolest Day Mean: 12.2 (+0.2) (15.8/8.6), (1st)
Total: 183.2, (109%)
Wettest Day: 29.8 (-4.4), (4th)
Days 20mm: 2 (0)
Days 2mm: 16 (+1)
Days 0.2mm: 24 (0)
Days 0.2mm: 7 (0), (7th, 13th, 15th-18th, 31st)
Year to 31.08: 1568.0, (132%), the highest to the end of August...
Max: 1023.7, (-0.1), (12th)
Mean: 1006.5 (-1.8)
Min: 989.3 (-3.7), (26th)
WIND (mph)
Avge Wind: 2.6, (-0.4)
Max Gust: 33 (-2), (10:15, 4th)
Windiest Day Avge: 7.9 (+0.1), (4th)
Calmest Day Avge: 0.3 (-0.2), (17th), the calmest for July...
Davis Weather Monitor II and Davis WeatherLink 6.0.3
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
By Loch Long, twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, Scotland.
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