Almost dead
On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 10:27:48 PM UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Wednesday, 9 September 2015 20:03:52 UTC+1, wrote:
On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 7:43:27 PM UTC+1, xmetman wrote:
This newsgroup has turned very quiet during the last two weeks. I notice that Dawlish hasn't posted since the 28th of August which has a lot to do with it, but it does seem a less vibrant place without him, even if at times it does seem to be just endless bickering about global warming!
Not sure if that's the word I would use......
And if Dawlish isn't here neither is Lawrence. Can't live with each other, can't live without. Much as they profess to loath one another they both love it. That is why they continue to fight after so many years.
Not really Col, I will admit that Dawlish sometimes posts stuff that rankles me as well as me posting stuff that rankles him. It would also be fair to say the stuff I post rankles most for its content whereas Dawlishh rankles with his bullying pig ignorant rude attitude.
I posted regularly on the NG way before Dawlish ever posted here but my political ranting is nigh on exhausted nowadays and I have little to say of late and long may it continue. He's probably on holiday spending it all writing to Trip Advisor.
Oh come on Lawrence, you love it!
You each start threads with a topic you just know will annoy the other. You with anti-AGW references, Dawlish with a pro-AGW agenda. Each knowing the other won't be able to resist and you never can!
I have never been able to last more than a week (if that) on a Usenet argument before I tire of it, yet you two have been going for years, so you both must surely get some kind of a kick out of it, otherwise why keep it up?