On Thursday, 10 September 2015 09:06:38 UTC+1, jumper wrote:
On 10/09/2015 07:35, xmetman wrote:
On Wednesday, 9 September 2015 23:46:18 UTC+1, jumper wrote:
I was going to report we had fog on Tuesday morning. I can't think
we've had many September fog's. Oh well, I don't suppose many will see
this, this ng is almost gone. :-(
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I saw it!
Well it is the season of mists and mellow fruitfullness.
On the subject of almost gone I do find it very sad to see a personal web site after who ever run it has died. You sometimes come across them when one if the relative has added a message that who ever it was has died. I suppose that we are all leaving some kind of virtual legacy for our families..
Usenet is dying. Hopefully in the future forums were people can see
who's speaking rather than writing will become much more common. I
don't mean just a photo, I mean a person actually videoed speaking and
uploaded to a forum. I think if video filmed forums become much more
common, flaming and trolling will become much less. It's the anonymity
of spoof names and only seeing writing on a VDU that cause flaming and
trolling, as the perpetrator doesn't see a real person's facial
expressions or body language.
No, we can't have spoof names.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.