On 10/09/2015 15:43, Vidcapper wrote:
On 10/09/2015 09:06, Joe Egginton wrote:
Usenet is dying. Hopefully in the future forums were people can see
who's speaking rather than writing will become much more common. I
don’t mean just a photo, I mean a person actually videoed speaking and
uploaded to a forum. I think if video filmed forums become much more
common, flaming and trolling will become much less. It's the anonymity
of spoof names and only seeing writing on a VDU that cause flaming and
trolling, as the perpetrator doesn’t see a real person's facial
expressions or body language.
Remember the good old days when people (mainly nerds) used computers as
a refuge from face-to-face interactions... 
I was one of them, I started using the internet by using dial up narrow
band in 1996 at 48kps.
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