On Sunday, 27 September 2015 00:14:12 UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
On 25/09/2015 18:27, xmetman wrote:
On Friday, 25 September 2015 17:55:16 UTC+1, wrote:
On Friday, September 25, 2015 at 1:08:12 PM UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
On 24/09/2015 22:05, Joe Egginton wrote:
On 24/09/2015 20:03, Dawlish wrote:
Dry in most areas and potentially warmer than average in the daytime
on 4th Oct. If skies clear, cool nights. A very nice end to Sept,
start to Oct and extending to the middle of the first week.
The Idiot Is Back!
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Don't be so hard on yourself!
I like the way he had to later clarify it was Dawlish he was talking about. it would be an easy mistake to make that he was talking about himself
Getting back to the anticyclonic easterlies...
The pattern for the 29th of September is almost unique as far as I can see if today's GFS is correct at T+96, with a high in the central North sea (1041 hPa) and a deepening low (975 hPa) SW of Iceland.
I've checked the Lamb Weather Types for some form of analog for this type of situation for the end of September without any luck. The central north Atlantic (45N 25W) were the negative SST anomalies are lie under the influence of high pressure as well.
Interesting indeed. Some different patterns for the emerging winter this
year perhaps.
Are you saying this general pattern could persist for months?
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