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Subject: Rugby world cup
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 10:20:44 +0100
From: Joe Egginton
Newsgroups: uk.railway
I travelled from Wolverhampton to Loughborough via Leicester yesterday
(Sunday), and not once did a guard check my tickets. I went on XC trains
from WVH to LEI, and EMT from LEI to LBO. I usually have my tickets
checked when I go on XC and EMT trains.
All the trains I caught were extra cram packed, with the rugby fans on
top of the usual passengers. Even the vestibules were packed full of
passengers, it was reminiscent of Indian railways I see on the TV. If
there were a running boards and grab rails, on the side of carriages I
wouldn’t be surprised to see some people use them. LOL.
Also, when a platform is cram packed, like at Birmingham New St, or
Leicester yesterday, why is it that people crowd around a door to get
onto a train and won’t move out of the way to let people off. The only
way through the crowd is to push myself through, which feel is bullying.
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