Buick Swans Arrive Early
On Thursday, 15 October 2015 11:06:08 UTC+1, Anne B wrote:
Cheeky sods , they drive here I flash Yankee fossil fuel
guzzling cars , cause climate disruption with their C02
and then expect to holiday here. Don't worry, our wind
turbines will sort the buggers out.
Nice one. Are they any worse than mallard ducks
though, hammering along at 125 mph?
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Eider way everyone thinks it will be a cold winter.
Just be thankful it wasn't the 'Whooper' swans as they can
tend to overdo the severity of the weather forecast and are
usually used by the Daily Mail and Daily Express.
Okay I took liberties with whopper.
It's ok - I got it. Might have to get a new snow Shoveler.
I've got the edge here being the bird watcher :-)
Whom are you lot trying to gull?
Just doing a bit of a Tern Anne.