On Saturday, 24 October 2015 17:24:16 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
Switched the lights on at about 5pm and closed the curtains. Winter
draws on.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.
Posted with Claws: http://www.claws-mail.org/
"Winter Draws on"
Its okay Graham, we're all adults here , you dress how you like.
Actually when I was a kid it was my favourite time of year, end of summer holiday's, leaves falling and when the clock went back walking home from school as it got dark. I used to love the lights of autumn/winter in the shops and shop windows in that period of the fifties and sixties.
So the getting dark excited me as the toyshops widow became more vivid as it grew dark, the greengrocers started displaying more exotic build up to Christmas fare, with tangerines and many wrapped in shiny paper; why even the chemist used to have those large bottles with coloured liquid, red , green and blue. So I loved that time as Guy Fawkes night meant even though dark that every other street had a bonfire on the old bomb sites and everyone was milling around. It was a great atmosphere and boy did I love the smell of bonfire night and fog. The other reasons for loving that period was my birthday in November and then Christmas and New Year with the added bonus that got most of us loving weather...snow and lots of it; yes I loved that time.
But now, just been for a walk around the small park nearby and it was gloomy and drizzly and I somehow felt old without the same excitement this time of year always gave me. One more point: Halloween was hardly mentioned in those days.
guy Fawks night