On Saturday, 24 October 2015 19:30:37 UTC+1, Keith (Southend)G wrote:
Was just glancing through the archive charts for October 1962 and also
comparing early November with what's being modelled currently and I've
got to say there are many similarities.
1946 also has some similarities.
Now that's put the mockers on hard winter ;-)
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
I was ten in November 1962 and at this time 53 years ago we were smack in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis and believe me all the adults were fearing a nuclear holocaust . My grandmother stored lots of dried milk, tea and sugar with the second world war only ending only 16 years prior.. Anyhow thank god the crisis passed and in November the fog and frost came , There were very limited pop music playing radio stations then, but I do remember hearing in the back ground that autumn pre Christmas period a new band playing a song called 'Love Me Do'. The winter that followed is in all of our wish lists.
I started comparing the pattern myself about a month ago and thought with the constant highs being built to our east that there was similarity but then things changed and I lost focus so now you've rekindled my interest.