On Saturday, 24 October 2015 20:58:09 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 24 October 2015 19:30:37 UTC+1, Keith (Southend)G wrote:
Was just glancing through the archive charts for October 1962 and also
comparing early November with what's being modelled currently and I've
got to say there are many similarities.
1946 also has some similarities.
I was ten in November 1962 and at this time 53 years ago we were smack in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis
in November the fog and frost came The winter that followed is in all of our wish lists.
I started comparing the pattern myself about a month ago and thought with the constant highs being built to our east that there was similarity.
I believe the focal points are more ephemeral as it is the placing of medium sized earthquakes the set up seiches blocking outflow that makes the region grow ice.
The obvious clue to patterns will thus be the numbers of tropical storms as well as their placing as the seiches are controlled to create these things. A beautiful if complex design reflecting the magnificence of god's engineering ability.
(As you know the timing of suitable quakes for watching are the ones that arrive after a lapse of 18+ hours and as proof those that go over some 30 odd tend to produce powerful volcanic eruptions.)
So now you have stuff that is easy to research; get weaving and stop messing with political **** and that plonker: Thingumy.