In message , Ron Button
Following this months record breaking November maximum it reminded me
of the previous record back in 1938 and how similar this months synop
situation is, i.e persistent European High and an active Atlantic.
Perhaps more important is how the situation dramatically changed in mId
December to a blasting easterly finally giving the classic Christmas
snowstorm of the 20thy century.
Whilst there was a deep snow cover over much of the country, it doesn't
seem to have actually snowed in most places on Christmas Day. That's
going by Trevor Harley's excellent site:
But apart from that nitpick, I'm in full agreement.
I wonder whats the chance of an encore then ?, (or the first Christmas
forecast of this season)
I'll be pleasantly surprised if it happens.

John Hall
"Honest criticism is hard to take,
particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger." Franklin P Jones