"Graham Easterling" wrote in message
The current forecast for Penzance is excellent. It is mostly moderate,
occasionally good in shelter, simply because there is so much sea spray in
the air.
I know sea spray isn't taken into account, but it's a pretty easy parameter
to forecast. Obviously too much effort for the MetO who prefer visibility
forecasts to be wrong in Atlantic locations most of the winter. I've been
told there are no plans to introduce sea spray as a factor, I mean why
bother wth Nowheresville. Why bother with mist then?
As you say Graham easily fixed with a couple of lines of FORTRAN
IF (WINDSPEED spray_threshold .AND. onshore_flag) SPRAY = .TRUE.
IF (SPRAY) then VIS = moderate
If I still worked there I could easily get into the code, make a few private
changes and test it, but I'm not so you will have to contact the MetO.
Visibility is presently worked out using an over-complicated formula (left
over from 1990s) involving liquid water content, a more pragmatic soultion
would imo be better but would not be as rigorous of course. This is where
private met. companies score as pragmatism can often be better or at least
as good as rigour.
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)