In message .com,
BlueLightning writes
Whether it's the Met Office, or Metcheque, TWO or whatever.
They all take a lot of stick when they get things wrong.
Now i heard that during the earlier times of weather forecasting,
people expected them to get it wrong.
Today, people expect them to get it right
For their defence:
Don't shoot the messenger
Chaos Theory
Maybe it's time for people to get more informed.
People can learn to read synoptic charts, and they can learn loads from
internet websites
So that people themselves can apply a bit of common sense themselves
and not be completely
dependant on what the forecasters are saying.
For example: if the forecast on the tv or in the paper says it's going
to snow in your area tonight
but at 10pm your check the outside temperature sensor and it's reading
8c and the temp is not
dropping very fast, then it would be a fair bet to say that snow is
looking unlikely on that night
Gotta bear in mind that some tv weather forecasts that are done locally
for example are not always
presented by real meteorologists. It's a read off the auto-cue job
I am talking about the probably best meteorologists in the world,
apparently making a mistake. All ex-professionals now the feeling when,
after a lot of work, their forecast turns out to be incorrect.
'Wisest are they that know they do not know.' Socrates.
Paul Bartlett FRMetS Go to local weather