[WR] S.Essex - coldest November day for 5 years
On 22/11/2015 15:43, Keith (Southend) wrote:
On 22/11/2015 15:18, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Max 5.5C. Lowest November max since 2010. Minimum last night -2.3C also
the lowest min in November for 5 years.
Dave, Laindon, S.Essex.
Lowest November minimum for me also since 2010 (-4.8°C 27th Nov 2010),
but only -1.5°C last night. 2010 was one of my coldest Novembers as a
However, today's maximum recorded was 6.0°C, I had colder November
maximums for both 2014 and 2013.
Just shows what a difference a few miles can make, although being
further inland than you I would have expected it to be the other way
round, as with today:-
Today max - 5.5C
2014 7.3C
2013 6.0C