On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 9:54:13 AM UTC, Bernard Burton wrote:
"David Mitchell" wrote in message
A Norwich to Aberdeen flight is just overhead at 36000 feet with a contrail
clearly below the cloud cover.
Is this an apparition? And am I really unobservant, because it's something
I don't recall seeing before?
My first question is, can you be sure that the contrail you can see is being
produced by the flight you claim?. Sometimes is this area I have counted an
many as 8 aircraft simultaneously criss-crossing at many different levels,
all above an estimated 20000 ft. My second question, what is the cloud type
to which you refer?.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham Berkshire.
Weather data and satellite images at:
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In answer to the first question, Flightradar 24 app, though a few others appeared in a short period afterwards with the same result.
The cloud would have been cirrostratus, but when I observed it the sun was very low and gave the impression that the cloud was at a lower level and thicker than it actually was. Within half an hour the sun's position revealed the cloud to be higher than I first thought.
And Bernard, if I am reading this correctly, the contrail will "sink" into and appear to merge with the cloud layer? The thing was that it appeared to be lower than the cloud layer, but I took a photo and it's hard to work out what was at what level. Oh well.
And from comments it appears that yes, I am completely not good at observation, or the memory is failing.