Eskimo Will wrote:
"haaark" wrote in message
On Wednesday, 2 December 2015 13:54:29 UTC,
I need some advice from local weather experts in Leeds area please? I
would like to know whether Leeds gets affected by lee gustiness in a
strong SW airflow so I can advise my daughter who lives in NE Leeds.
Looking at the charts it is looking quite serious for northern England on
Saturday with a stable flow and geostrophic winds in excess of 80 knots.
I know Ken (and Sheffield) has problems in a westerly, but SW'ly to the
east of the Pennines?
Ferrybridge power station is not too far from Leeds-but to the SE. I
remember the cooling towers being blown down in 1965 by a steady SW
gale-it's on film somewhere. IIRC, lee waves were blamed at the time.
Ah yes, thanks, I actually remember hearing about that on the news. I was 13
at the time.
There's quite a detailed analysis of the Ferrybridge event by Shellard in the
June 1967 issue of "Weather", available on-line to members of the Royal Met Soc.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.