On 2015-12-04 15:15:49 +0000, Col said:
On 04/12/2015 13:21, Asha Santon wrote:
On 2015-12-04 09:49:28 +0000, Brian Lawrence said:
Surprised we haven't had a post about the Gaffer being on late night
He provided the regular 'Take of the Week' feature and discussed it
There doesn't seem to be a repeat on the Parliament Channel, but it's
on the iPlayer - starts about 6m in.
His presentation was fine but when questioned, he lapsed into
incoherence as he tends to do. It's a shame as he has something to say
(regardless of if one agrees or not) and it would be good if he could
express himself more easily when being bullied by a presenter.
He was hardly being 'bullied'. He was simply asked questions and was
found wanting. Basically he just fell back on the 'it's all a
conspiracy' line whenever he was presnted with any facts he disagreed
None were presented to him. He was questioned and allowed no time to
formulate an answer so we never got to know if he had one or not. I
prefer to watch these things with an open mind. I like to know what
people think rather than just listen to people who confirm my views.
This isn't because I'm fair minded but more because there is always a
possibility my view may be incorrect. Opinions don't cause me a
problem. Certainty does.
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