On Friday, 4 December 2015 16:21:35 UTC, Col wrote:
On 04/12/2015 15:51, Asha Santon wrote:
On 2015-12-04 15:15:49 +0000, Col said:
On 04/12/2015 13:21, Asha Santon wrote:
On 2015-12-04 09:49:28 +0000, Brian Lawrence said:
Surprised we haven't had a post about the Gaffer being on late night
He provided the regular 'Take of the Week' feature and discussed it
There doesn't seem to be a repeat on the Parliament Channel, but it's
on the iPlayer - starts about 6m in.
His presentation was fine but when questioned, he lapsed into
incoherence as he tends to do. It's a shame as he has something to say
(regardless of if one agrees or not) and it would be good if he could
express himself more easily when being bullied by a presenter.
He was hardly being 'bullied'. He was simply asked questions and was
found wanting. Basically he just fell back on the 'it's all a
conspiracy' line whenever he was presnted with any facts he disagreed
None were presented to him.
Yes they were. it was stated that 97% of climate scientists considered
that global warmimng was real and he just dismissed this as a 'lie'.
Ultimately you really can't argue with someone who takes that tack.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
That 97% is a lie or if I wasn't so cynical of the AGW clap trap that is spoken I may be kind enough to class it as misrepresentation.
As Roy Spencer said and all sceptical AGW scientist agree: yes Co2 is a greenhouse gas and yes humans have released 80-100 PPM . If you agree with that then yes you are part of that pathetically overused statistic of 97%
3:18 in.
Maybe you can now put this to bed Col instead of peddling the same old interpretation; actually there is no interpretation it is a fact.