Wet in Wales and the North-West on Thursday: Ronaldsway (IOM) 48 mm
In message , Eskimo Will
That is some rain Jim. Most I have ever recorded in one day in 13 years
is 71mm but then we are on the dry side of Dartmoor. Postbridge has had
156mm in one day. I guess you are also quite exposed? I suspect the
Manx climatology is revealing itself to you in all her guises.
I'll say it was, imagine a thunderstorm but instead of lasting 20
minutes or so, this went on for literally hours, personally I'd never
experienced rain like it in the British Isles. The most I've ever
recorded in a day before was similar to yours around 75 mm. That's why I
wondered just how accurate my rain gauge was. However the physical
effects were plain to see, never seen the river so high and local
flooding so bad before.
Apart from when you're wondering if the kitchen is about to disappear
under dirty river water, weather remains fascinating.