Whither Philip Eden
On Sunday, 6 December 2015 16:04:11 UTC, Ron Button wrote:
I've noticed that Philip Edens byline has been missing from the Sunday
Torygraph for the last couple of weeks,and has been replaced by a couple
of unknowns,giving the usual inconsequential ( what a lovely week I've had)'
Is this trying to keep up with the Beebs relentless dumbing down of
the daily forecasts or sidelining Philip because he's too technical for
todays yoof ? It could be money of course .....
Maybe one shouldn't be too quick to come down hard on the ST.
It's my feeling that PE has been slowly divorcing himself from the public side of weather journalism for some years. Once he used to happily take part in sites like these. That stopped. Then his own website was no longer updated.
Maybe the end of his ST column is part of the process. Much as I regret the touchy-feely nonsense of today's columnist and the loss of his wisdom and stats, maybe its his conscious decision.