Whither Philip Eden
On 06/12/2015 22:16, John Hall wrote:
In message , Ron Button
I've noticed that Philip Edens byline has been missing from the Sunday
Torygraph for the last couple of weeks,and has been replaced by a
couple of unknowns,giving the usual inconsequential ( what a lovely
week I've had)'
I've also noticed and regretted that.
Is this trying to keep up with the Beebs relentless dumbing down of
the daily forecasts or sidelining Philip because he's too technical
for todays yoof ? It could be money of course .....
I'm guessing that it's neither, and that he's trying to cut down on his
commitments. The last time I checked up on his websites some six months
or more ago, he seemed to have pretty much stopped updating them, and a
few months ago he ceased looking after the Weather Log feature in the
monthly "Weather" magazine. I hope it's just that he fancies a life of
leisure, or maybe has some big project underway that is taking a lot of
his time, and not that he's having health problems.
Yes I hope he is well.