Gloom goes on and on!
Date Sun hrs Max
25th 0.1 3.2c
26th 1.0 4.0c
27th 0.0 5.6c
28th 0.0 6.0c
29th 0.1 6.0c
30th 0.1 6.4c
31st 0.0 7.6c
1st 0.2 8.5c
2nd 0.8 6.8c
3rd 0.0 7.6c
4th 0.7 8.0c
5th 0.0 5.6c (3.8mm rain)
6th 0.0 5.2c (6.4mm rain)
As I said in my earlier thread the weekend looked like being colder,
gloomy and rather wet and that was the case!
Last 13 days have produced just 3 hours of sunshine.
Weston Coyney weather station (North Midlands) 220 metres asl