[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Mon 7th Feb 2005
0900z CALM 0800 FG 8St002 01.9/01.4 1024
RMK: It's quite dull and gloomy, suggesting that either the St is
thick or that there's something above it.
24-HR STATISTICS: Max (0900-0900): 9.2 at 1500z
Min (0900-0900): -1.8 at 0625z
Grass min (1800-0900): -5.3
Rain (0900-0900): Nil
1030z CALM 1500 BR 8St003 04.0/03.4 1024
RMK: No sign of any break in the St layer yet but it has brightened
noticeably during the past hour.
(delete "thisbit" twice to e-mail)
Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.
There is nothing above it as I have been sitting in bright sunshine this
morning, minimum temperature overnight -1.2°C. Some fog down in the Ver
Valley an hour ago which has now cleared.