As a southerner living in Scotland I find it utterly miserable
in winter and I doubt if the
clock setting would have much difference.
None at all, I imagine, and as one born and bred within 15 miles
of where you are, Trevor, I agree that it's miserable when it's
dank and grey like today, and barely light now at noon.
But it is compensted for by the long light evenings and summer
nights when it doesn't get really dark. Not to mention those
classic February days when it's clear and crisp, or the Northern
Lights on dark winter evenings. And the annual rainfall here is
so much lower than say on Dartmoor or Exmoor or Bodmin Moor.
Yesterday morning the sun rose over the hill at 9.38 and set
again at around 2.35. The
elevation of the sun (or lack of it) at midday has to be seen
to be believed.
Yes, amazing, isn't it? Makes for wonderful low light for
Cheer up, spring is on its way