In message ,
Richard Dixon writes
I know I bang on about WeatherOnline a lot but they keep adding good
stuff. This is a new one (unfortunately for subscribers only) - bar
charts showing percentage of ensemble members that sit within a
specific temperature bound:
GFS 06Z:
ECMWF in particular showing more ensemble members in the sub 5c
temperature category as we move into the New Year. Would be also useful
to know from these datasets where the operational run sits and where
the ensemble control sits.
For the GFS, I find this very useful:
The -2 indicates latitude 2 degrees west and the 51 is for longitude 51
degrees north. So that would be somewhere in the region of Bristol. I
haven't tried any other co-ordinates, so I don't know if they would also
John Hall
"Honest criticism is hard to take,
particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger." Franklin P Jones