On 01/01/2016 12:18, Keith (Southend) wrote:
I have never got so many bites on my legs before than I have this
Christmas period and I can only assume they are gnat bites, nasty ones
at that! It's not the time of year you would expect to get them either.
We have no pets so I don't think it's fleas, but then they are normally
a lot smaller bites. Could they be anything else?
Possibly midges though I have put outside a few mosquitoes this
autumn/winter that have ventured in through an open window.
Here midges seem to be more of a feature of the winter time rather than
the spring/summer and can be an irritation though nothing remotely on
the scale of what I have experienced in June in the Highlands.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl