Wanstead - December 2015
On Sunday, 3 January 2016 17:39:27 UTC, Scott W wrote:
On Saturday, 2 January 2016 08:54:07 UTC, Ken Cook wrote:
Make that the -0.2C min
Thanks, Ken. Is this the only case where stats is any 24hr period must be carried over into the next month?
Hi, Scott,
If you operate as a (09Z-09Z) climate site using MetO rules, procedure is as follows:-
"All readings are displayed against the date they were taken with the exception of the maximum temperature and rainfall which are thrown back to the previous day."
Thus a minimum read at 09Z on 1st is allocated to 1st, but a maximum and rainfall read on 1st is thrown back to the previous day, when the maximum and most of the rainfall is most likely to have occurred.
It has imperfections, but most things do and it's worked for many years.