CET Rolling Monthly Mean Graph
In message , Len
Wood writes
On Monday, 4 January 2016 09:47:05 UTC, philgurr wrote:
"Len Wood" wrote in message
Doesn't work for me-and yes, I am logged in etc.
================================================== ========================
Doesn't work for me either.
My Cloud or your cloud or iCloud?
Just reports:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information
associated with it. The
document tree is shown below......
Works fine for me with just a standard desktop running win.xp and
no additional fancy whistles & bells.
I run Windows 8.1 on my laptop. Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome all come
up with an error and don't show the graph.
Odd. It worked fine in Chrome under Windows 7 for me. However it did
call up Adobe Reader to display the PDF file that the link leads to.
Presumably you do have Adobe Reader on your system? The only other
explanation I can come up with is that your newsreader is breaking the -
very long - URL
John Hall
"Honest criticism is hard to take,
particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger." Franklin P Jones