Has Philip Eden been replaced by Christopher Booker at the telegraph or are they just trying to keep the balance between hot and cold. I've just had a quick glimpse of some of his stuff and it appears he has been told to wield an axe.
Axe wielding is a job for experts.
I don't think much of his efforts with one aimed at the Met Office; it was just negativity for the sake of negativity.
£97 million to replace a £33 million computer is peanuts especially when you consider that you still have a pretty good spare to let the children play with. And far better than wasting it on bombs for Syria if distributed by the RAF. (They RAF have never been any good at bombing and if I were HM Government's Opposition I would relax about Trident while I was at it. They will not hit anything accurately if fired in anger. And will soon be asked to stop -if only by the Treasury.)
The population of Britain is about 60 million so the first computer cost us a packet of sweets apiece. This one is going to cost half a bag of chips unless of course the inevitable happens and the powers that be realise they can squeeze us for the full bag. (To pay for the windmills that will have to run it, obviously.)
I don't know who its customers are but the Public Weather Service makes the UK economy at least £1.5bn per annum, representing over a 12:1 return on investment. You can't compete on those terms with old computers. The BBC has already outed itself. (Good riddance. Anyone ever read their charter?)