On Sunday, 10 January 2016 19:01:45 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Sunday, 10 January 2016 15:29:08 UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Sunday, 10 January 2016 00:17:32 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Saturday, 9 January 2016 21:36:07 UTC, John Hall wrote:
In message ,
Weatherlawyer writes
Has Philip Eden been replaced by Christopher Booker
? straighforward as far as I can see.
at the Telegraph
A once considered quality newspaper as opposed to a Murdoch rag or the Daily Express.
or are they
The Telegraph
just trying to keep the balance between hot and cold.
hot and cold climate arguments/attempt to please everyone as per BBC.
I've just had a quick glimpse of some of his stuff and it appears
he has been told to wield an axe.
AKA an hatchet job.
Booker has been writing virulent anti-AGW and anti-Met Office stuff in
his page at the Sunday Telegraph for many years. He was doing so long
before Philip stopped writing his weekly column that appeared next to
the forecast. Booker views the Met Office as dishonest propagandists for
AGW. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Lawrence writes his weather
pieces for him. 
It is bad enough having our own dear version but when the mental cripple is
Lawrence Jenkins gets on my nerves he is an expensive luxury compare to Christopher Booker who as far as I know never writes to here.
obviously doing a teaparty application..
He is openly courting the management at faux news.
What's a "teapaty"? I ask only that because as usual the rest of the post is very confusing.
It's like a cha patty only for Americants. not Ayesiacans. OK?
Thinking about that post it seems as though I was insulting you. I wasn't. You insult yourself and us with your activities. I appreciate your taking time to ask me what the hell I was talking about.
Just because I think I know what I mean it doesn't follow that anyone else does but how am I suppose to know that?
I am trying to condense everything I know into brief snippets, just setting out the obvious. But I am not going to consider that anyone that might have asked me for details in the past (but failed to do so) is not up to scratch.
It physically hurts to write down to anyone. But I find I am having to. I think I had better write a book on weatherlore setting out all I think I have discovered so far.
Stop wasting your time answering a fool according to his foolishness and start answering him according to his foolishness.
Meantime put your mind to work at more productive things. I am sure there is something else you can find to do besides berate an idiot for being mentally ill.
Why don't you compile a cross referenced list of major geo-physical events compared to the north Atlantic weather charts as I started doing on here until I realised that even black and white animations lose colour formatting in GIMP:
It is very time consuming and distracting but a lot more rewarding than arguing with a fool.