Graham wrote:
If you consider 14 days of gloom and drizzle interesting then you are
easily pleased!
Perhaps if you look to see how often that happens at your location ...
14 consecutive days of gloom and drizzle ... even that might be a record
(and therefore interesting for that reason). We had 15 days of constant
haar last July/August ... that was a pain ... but no less interesting
for that.
I think you would expect at least 1 ground frost in February.
I might if it had not been such a warm winter thus far ... as it is, I
am not sure if I expect one.
Depends on the records broken, warmest on record Spring or Summer I
would consider exciting.
I consider all records exciting, that is why people try so hard to break
them. I think the principle applies equally to the weather, regardless
of if it is doing something I personally like, or dislike.
I seem to recall that no-one here believed a word of it though.
Indeed ... there were so many posts slagging off certain organisations
that had suggested it would be freezing cold with tonnes of snow that I
gave up reading them. I believe the 'smart money' was on a 'mild'
winter and thus it has been (here anyway).
Gianna Stefani