In message ,
Richard Dixon writes
On Thursday, 14 January 2016 23:26:33 UTC, Dave Cornwell wrote:
It's like a taunting football crowd. Makes a great read though and
funnily enough if you take it as a whole you do get a pretty good idea
of what is actually going on with the various models.
I don't look on that forum but it is very fun the sides people take and
their associated religious zeal. You can separate out weather and
climate fairly easily but on both timescales, both have their cold/warm
I've been looking at TWO for the last few days. It's amusing that a few
days ago, when all the models were suggesting a more prolonged cold
spell, there were some congratulatory posts saying how well everyone was

Now that's all gone by the board. Mind you, the bad
behaviour there has been pretty mild by usw standards.

John Hall
"Honest criticism is hard to take,
particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger." Franklin P Jones