In message ,
Stephen Davenport writes
On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 3:24:12 PM UTC-5, John Hall wrote:
Yes, ATM it looks like it's still quite a nice day in Washington:
But the snow has reached Richmond, VA:,-77.449614
I'd take another look at that Washington webcam if I were you, John! It
might have needed refreshing. You can barely see the Washington
monument for snow right now.
That's odd. For some reason it only seems to be showing me what I now
realise is a still picture takien some time ago, even though the time
given underneath it is the current time and is updating. Maybe it's a
browser issue. Perhaps the cam display uses Flash, which Chrome (my
browser) no longer supports because of security concerns.
However the "Hall of Fame" views shown lower down the page do show a
very snowy scene.
John Hall
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