The AGW Crowd: Only Fools and Polar Bears
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 06:23:19 -0800 (PST), Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 23 January 2016 07:14:36 UTC, Malcolm Ogilvie wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 09:09:40 -0800 (PST), Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Friday, 22 January 2016 08:28:40 UTC, Malcolm Ogilvie wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:08:13 -0800 (PST), Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
The whole thing is absolutely bizarre with thes people.
The only "bizarre" people are those who write and believe in the above nonsense.
Mr Olgilvie, or should I call you Dawlish. What do you actually disagree with?
I disagree with people who can't spell my name and I disagree with people who are stupid
enough to believe that I am Dawlish. And if they're stupid enough to believe that AND to
keep on attempting to argue against the incontrovertible evidence for AGW, then they fully
deserve the epithet "idiot".
But I never denied global warming did I
But then I never said you did. I used the initials "AGW" and assumed you knew what the
letter "A" stood for. So either you are even more ignorant than I thought, or this is a
deliberate attempt to claim I said something I didn't. Either reveals much about you.
Listen Malcolm you really need to stop getting your sporran in a twist, calm down and for once address the issues.
Please do address my comment above.