"Len Wood" wrote in message
On Tuesday, 26 January 2016 11:19:30 UTC,
"Eskimo Will" wrote in message news:...
"Eskimo Will" wrote in message news:...
Howling wind, moderate lashing rain, water already flowing off the
down the hill, mild at 8.5C, nothing more to say really. Just glad I
invested in some new green walking wellies before the winter!
Postbridge now gusting 42 knots with heavy rain at 8 mm/h and 8C. This
going to be a wet one!
Sorry for repeated posts but just noticed something after emptying a
bin outside. The water on the patio outside my side door is actually
and has reached the top of the small step into the house. I have never
this before. OK the SW wind is driving the rain onto that side of the
but the ground underneath (slabs are on sand) must be well saturated,
noticed the bottom of the house walls are very wet (outside that is). I'm
not that worried as it will drain off downhill after reaching a few
but it concerns me that our general area is now getting very wet. In 12
years I have never seen water flowing where it has been these past few
weeks. I think what has happened is that the persistence of "rain days"
taking its toll now both summer and winter and the water table has
risen. We really need 4 weeks of dry weather to return to something more
like normality. Ha ha not going to get that in the near future. Glad I
live near a river, that would be a proper worry.
Same here Will.
When I walk down the road from my place (at 83 m asl) to the beach, there
are streams across and down the road in places I have not seen before. I
have been here 33 years. New springs have sprung. Water table must have
The thing is, we have had high Nov, Dec, Jan rain totals like this before.
Nov, Dec 2012 ,Jan 2013 641.5 mm
Nov, Dec 2013, Jan 2014 466.5 mm
Nov, Dec 2015, Jan 2016 431.5 mm to yesterday 25th
So it appears to be a cumulative effect over longer periods with shorter
dry spells. More rain days as you say.
The law of averages does not seem to be working at the moment.
Summats up.
Thanks Len that is most interesting. Concurs with what I saw driving back
across the south Hams last month where the fields were awash with water
cascading onto roads. Also every well trod path now on Dartmoor is a mud
bath, that didn't happen when I first moved here. I'm also getting a few
more damp issues inside the house. The walls are lime plastered which is
meant to draw moisture out of the house, but with persistent high humidity
outside day after day after day, moisture is retained. My only solution is
to now keep the house warmer than I like or need, fortunately heating oil is
now 65% cheaper than a couple of years ago and my logs cost nothing apart
from my time chopping them!
" Some sects believe that the world was created 5000 years ago. Another sect
believes that it was created in 1910 "
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)