This thread was started by a racist and no-one has any idea why he posts this racist crap here.
In message ,
Lawrence Jenkins writes
Although he started his bullying with me others eventually others
followed Mike Tullet, Tudor, Martin Dixon................ Oh sod it I
really can't be bothered saying anymore. Tudor will go, I'll go and
then it will start with someone else. Hey Ho, I'm orf....yet again.
But I have to say some took the cowards or unprincipled way out and
turn a blind eye to his shenanigans. Good, you can keep ignoring
something that is wrong until it affects you and it will. You're
welcome to it.
But confronting people like this doesn't work. People have been
confronting Dawlish for years, but he is still here and still behaving
the same way. The only thing that MIGHT work is ignoring him, in the
hope that he'll get bored and go away. We don't know if it will work or
not, as not enough people have tried it.
A killfile makes it a lot easier to ignore someone and not be tempted to
respond to what they post, which is what they are looking for. It's a
mistake to see using one as being cowardly. People come to this
newsgroup because they are interested in the weather, not to have a load
of aggro.
John Hall
"Honest criticism is hard to take,
particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger." Franklin P Jones