The AGW Crowd: Only Fools and Polar Bears
As an engineer with an understanding of system dynamics I have
commented elsewhere about the effects of feedback. But all I need to
say here is that positive feedback causes instability which the
behaviour of the earths climate system has never demonstrated. The
climate has shown itself to be remarkably stable over millions of
years, indicating that any feedback mechanisms must be predominantly
Stable enough for life to continue on Earth, but certainly not stable enough for individual species to survive - no ice, lots of ice, ice at 1 pole etc.).
The argument always seems to be limited to burning of fossil fuels, which is happening at an ever increasing rate, aided by government support of fracking, lack of control over production and associated low oil prices. ('Green' governments were very keen to subsidise car production during the economic crash)
There are many things that get forgotten. The Amazon rainforest is still regarded as a carbon sink, but that is really no longer the case. Ever increasing rates of rainforest destruction, change of land use etc. has resulted in the area becoming a net emitter of CO2 in a couple of recent drier years.. (The rain forest destruction has seriously affected the hydrological cycle & climate, a postive feedback if ever there was one) Intensive farming techniques, often pushed by the 'west' are generally very polluting.
It could well be argued that the real problem is that the global population is such that the Earth cannot support it long term, certainly not in the way developed countries live. At least China has tried to get a grip on this root cause, Europe's solution to meeting carbon targets seems to be just to export heavy industry elsewhere.
I saw some 'carbon neutral, yogurts in Sainsbury's recently. The ones that had been packed in plastic, transported 100's of miles, put in a freezer, collected by me, you get the picture.
We need to take care in the way we treat the global environment, not carry on regardless (Beautiful South?) and hope for the best.
Still enough from me.