UK Winters
On Sunday, 31 January 2016 18:39:00 UTC, GKN wrote:
As I get older I am finding the UK winters more and more depressing and
boring and just long for some decent weather.
Each year now the same old repeated weather patterns seem to get locked in
with wind, rain and gloom with constant
flooding and damage to peoples property.
It seems that after a brief respite in the new year its back to the same old
south westerly trash pattern.
I find it very tedious here in Essex, and we are the driest, but god knows
how the people living further north manage to deal with this never ending
train of storms from the Atlantic.
Yes the climate has changed since I was a child, but I never remember
winters like the way they are now. I will not discuss
the possible causes as I do not have the answers, but it appears that
October till April now is a time to dread.
December was unseasonably warm, but no compensation for what it delivered, I
do feel that dry & cold winters are a thing of the past
and if this is the alternative I'm not too sure how we adapt to the way
things now look set.
Just a quick moan, as you may guess I'm sick of it!
The problem is politics. A succession of disastrous governments have ruined the beer in Britain. Starting with Lloyd George who much preferred adultery to alcohol but had free access to alcohol at all time including Sundays.
Over the last few years pubs have been shut down as brewers concentrate on lacing lemonade and representing fighter fuel as beer to children. The working man can not buy a decent Mild and Porter no longer exists in a drinkable form for working men at lunch time -which the government has also banned to working men.
My advice it to go to whichever pub sells decent beer you can afford and vote for communists in future. They may not know an arse from an elbow in finance but they tend to understand the merits of good beer. And anyway they won't blatantly cheat you like the Tories and the Labour parties do as they can rely entirely on blank stupidity.