On 01/02/2016 18:14, Col wrote:
On 01/02/2016 18:11, Trevor Harley wrote:
Behind the view of flying trees and roofs there was quite a good
display of iridescent (I think they are) clouds this evening.
Saw something very similar here towards the west.
Still visible this morning in North Yorkshire. They look like they are
nacreous clouds from the sculpted shapes and strong irridescence.
It appears the strong winds have punched some water vapour up into the
stratosphere. I watched them evolving as it grew light this morning.
Pictures will follow shortly.
Still visible (just) in daylight at the moment 11am 2/2/16.
Low fast moving clouds interfering slightly just as they did in the
previous widespread display of Feb 16 1996. Conditions were as I recall
somewhat similar with a very strong surface winds although the clouds
this time were not as obviously lenticular in nature.
(previous display of 1996)
Martin Brown