"Richard Dixon" wrote in message
On Thursday, 4 February 2016 10:24:22 UTC,
The agreement was that subsets of data were to be made freely available.
Model data is highly processed and regarded as very high commercial value
the Met Office. Remember back in the late 1990s when radar data were
sought after? A compromise was reached in that 5km data would be released.
Nowadays there is 500 metre resolution and higher doppler radar data
available (for internal use). I suspect that the MetO will continue to
release older model data like EURO4 but newer products will be kept under
lock and key.
It's not just the breadth of data but how sporadically disseminated it is.
For instance Meteociel now only show T+96, 120 and 144. I'm pretty sure I
wrote to the Met Office about this a while back but got the cursory "thanks
for your email". Might try again...
I often find that with big organizations that writing direct to the Chief
Exec stating your case can yield a bit more than a thank you message.
is your man.
Of course you could always use ****ter :-)
" Some sects believe that the world was created 5000 years ago. Another sect
believes that it was created in 1910 "
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)