I thought you were above the usual idiots Will. 'big Matty H'?? Where did
you get that from then? Don't believe ive ever been called that by anyone
other than people that actually know me and have met me.
As for banned. Your account is active. You are not banned at all. I remember
our argument now you mention it. Although I have moved on. I guess my not
agreeing with your easterly that never happened has soured your opinion
Like I say, ive no axe to grind with you what so ever. No reason to. The
only axes I have to grind on here with anyone are being done through the
legal proceedure

"Will Hand" wrote in message
"Col" wrote in message
"Rupert" wrote in message
Quote"Can you list this particular forums terms and conditions?.
As far as i know you must kiss the a**** of the mods!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That shows how little you know.
This is an unmoderated newsgroup.
What makes you think people here want to read about the petty
squabbles happening on another forum?
Col, most seem to be people who have been banned from TWO forum for some
and hence have big axes to grind.
About a year ago I nearly got banned myself :-O for argueing
with "big Matty H" (he likes that description :-)). Problem for the mods
that my arguments were slowly winning people over and there was a danger
the group could split. But to be honest, life is too short and I just
have the energy or the time to keep up the discussion. Matt and I had an
discussion and we resolved our differences in an adult way. I must also
say that
at no stage did I personally insult or threaten anyone, I would never
*that* low.
Off to watch the footie now, bring on the Dutch ... he he he
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