"xmetman" wrote in message
On Wednesday, 24 February 2016 10:28:24 UTC,
"xmetman" wrote in message
Apologies for the earlier post which I hopefully deleted!
I most certainly was was having a senior moment, and here hopefully are
the coldest spots in the UK for last night!
I think you'd better lie down Bruce, it's all getting too much for you at
your age!
I loved the rant, so typical of an old man who had got it all wrong, LOL
You know how it is Will. The wife loads you up with a load of chores like
putting the washing on, and not forgetting to hoover up, and one thing
drives out another, and before you know it you forget what day it is! So you
have to check with your plastic pill box dispenser and you find it's not
Tuesday like you thought!
Today is Thursday you muppet :-)
" Some sects believe that the world was created 5000 years ago. Another sect
believes that it was created in 1910 "
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)