"Bernard Burton" wrote in message
ref BBC
and some strict rules, number one of which would be NO ADVERTS/TRAILERS.
I couldn't agree more.
I am sick and tired of fill-ins - seeing those skateboarders or people in
red doing their funny dancing.
As for trailers, if there is one thing that puts me off watching a
particular show is to have been subjected to the same advert for the
previous ten days (or so it seems).
It would be instructive to find out just how many minutes per day BBC1 (for
example) spends on fill-ins, trailers. It could certainly release a
significant amount of time for more important matters.
By the way, had you all realised that Charlie Cornwall-Windsor is getting
married in a couple of months time?
The BBC doesn't seem to have given it much air time, so I thought I would
mention it in case some of you had missed it:-)