How are the mighty fallen!
MetO climate sites, including Copley, report through WOW. The are subject to regular MetO site visits and instrument checks. They are also run by dedicated observers. Our data is hardly suspect and probably more accurate than many MetO AWS systems! We have very high standards.
You're a Met O climate site and subject to WMO standards, administered by the Met Office and recorded on their Metadata database. When I said "all" we're suspect I wasn't aware that clime sites reported through WOW so I apologise for getting that wrong. I'm not trying to denigrate WOW observers in any way and I agree that many are very knowledgable and have high standards. However, if I look at a WOW observation I have no way of knowing which type of instrumentation is being used, when the instruments were last calibrated, what the calibration tolerances were, what the site exposure is et cetera, et cetera.