On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 5:18:43 PM UTC, N_Cook wrote:
On 01/03/2016 14:47, N_Cook wrote:
Beeb metman mentioned it at lunchtime, but I was otherwise occupied, but
what in the next few days has enough umph to warrant a named storm?
nothing on
Jake would seem to be a patch of marginally tight isobars over a small
part of Ireland tonight, might remove a slate off a roof somewhere I
Yesterday the MetO were forecasting wind speeds at noon tomorrow to be 38mph, with gusts to 61mph, with no weather warning.
They have now introduced a wind weather warning, but have reduced the forecast wind speeds to 31mph & 55mph respectively. Lets hope the forecast wind speed doesn't reduce any further or we'll really be in trouble.
Now, Feb 8th, that was a storm: (bottom 3 pics
http://penzanceweather.atspace.com/wpage5b.html )