On Tuesday, 1 March 2016 20:10:36 UTC, xmetman wrote:
On Tuesday, 1 March 2016 19:25:21 UTC, Alan White wrote:
On Tue, 1 Mar 2016 10:50:57 -0800 (PST), xmetman
They (the Met Office) seem to have distanced themselves from it.
Louise Lear mentioned it on the 18:30 BBC1 forecast.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
By Loch Long, twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:- http://windycroft.co.uk/weather
but when she did, she said that it was named by Met Éireann and not them...
Blowing a howling gale here (Dublin)...well not really.
I still can't find any reference on Met Eireann site to Storm Jake although media claiming it was named by them. Checking their twitter feed too and nothing there. Left left a comment for them.
Could be they're battening down the hatches around Glasnevin in anticipation!
Strange call if it was Met Eireann naming this as forecast is for strong and gusty winds only and an Orange level warning. Nothing storm-like!